This morning we gave Lukas a bath and since he cant have tap water in his eyes for 2 weeks we thought that maybe if we kept the glasses on it would make it so he didnt rub his eyes. It worked pretty good. I think we were able to give him his bath without any water in his eyes.
Well, the surgery was a success. The dr. said it went just the way he wanted it too and was able to replace the muscles in the exact spot that he wanted. It will take 8 to 10 weeks before they know for sure if his eye was corrected completely so I guess we wait and see. Lukas did so good! He was so good before the surgery. He went right back and let the nurse take him away without any tears. We were so relieved cause I know I would have cried if they would have taken him away kicking and screaming. The surgery last about 45 minutes and when they brought him back to us, he was really screaming and throwing a fit. He couldnt see us and his eyes were just so sore and the IV in his arm was hurting him and so it took a little while before we could calm him down. He was just so out of it and confused I think. So..... I started bawling! I felt so bad cause even though I was holding him, he couldnt see me and so he was yelling for me and trying to pull the IV out. It was the saddest thing ever. But we finally got him calmed down and he felt a ton better once they got the IV out. Poor little guy. I bet he was scared to death. But after an hour we were able to go home. He was kinda groggy for the rest of the day but he would play for a little bit and then go lay down to rest. Every now and then he puts his hands over his eyes and says that they hurt and cries a little. But it doesnt last long. Last night he had a hard time going to sleep cause they hurt but once he fell asleep, he slept good. We have to put eyedrops in his eyes 4 times a day for a week and that is really hard cause he hates them and screams but we just have to do it anyway.
So, everything went well and we are so thankful that he is ok and really he doesnt seem to remember too much about it. He has handled everything so well and we love him so much. I realized how much I really love him and how much he means to me. Sitting in the waiting room waiting to see him again, alot goes through your mind and you realize a lot of things about life. I am so blessed to have such a sweet little guy and I hope this works and that he doesnt have to have more surgeries. We love our Lukas so much and know he is a very special little boy.
I'm glad everything went as well as possible. And that is one cool balloon!
I am so glad that everything went well. It sounds like Lukas did really well with everything considering what was going on.
I don't know if surgery is harder on the kid or the parents. I am glad to hear it went well and Lukas is doing so well.
I would have bawled too! Poor Lukas! He is so lucky to have a mommy like you! Grant LOVED the picture of the balloon, by the way.
We are also very grateful that the surgery went well. He will continue to be in our prayers for healthy eyes.
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